Tuesday, October 10, 2006

You'll Know When You See Me

I'm not really sure why people keep asking me if I am pregnant (2 year old, volvo wagon, new puppy...what makes you think we are going to round this family out with another kiddo?). Well, truth be told, they don't ever actually come out and say it like that. But recently there have been a lot of "is there something you want to tell us??" and "are we sure that there aren't any other pregnant women here???" Of course, all eyes were directed at me and my belly (created by beer, not baby)...which, by the way, was supposed to be protected by a sturdy pair of Spanx...I wan't my money back!.

Let me just put it out there. As a girl who likes her drinks (Diet Cokes and Vodka Tonics alike) there will be NO DOUBT when I am finally pregnant. Let's just say...

you'll know when you see me.

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