Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The first of my promises

When I have my own preschool I promise:

To NEVER make your child take home a stuffed animal, pretend he is real, brush his teeth, take him to birthday parties, and make a photo album about the experience.

Why? you ask.

Because it is a MAJOR pain in the rear-end for all involved. And embarrassing to boot.

Even the little boy was over it by the end of the first afternoon...see?

I mean seriously. My almost 5 year old carried around this mangy monkey the whole weekend and I carried around the camera in order to document everything they did together. And this weekend...lordy...what didn't we do? Birthday parties, t-ball, egg hunts, grandparents visit...and the whole time I had to pretend like it was normal for my boy to carry around a stuffed animal and for me to talk about him like he was a member of the family...it was weird. But I did it. All in the name of not being the lamest parent in preschool.

Of course, I'm probably still the lamest parent in preschool because it seems like everyone else likes to have the monkey. Me...not so much. I couldn't wait to give him back this morning. Unfortunately, I left the dirty, ant-ridden (we had a bit of an outbreak and I was once found trying to pick the ants out of his "hair"...who says I didn't care for him?) toy at home and had to make an extra trip back to school so that Max didn't miss snack.

As my son pointed out at one point this weekend (I think it was somewhere between brushing his teeth and having him rinse and spit), "it is just a stuffed animal after all."

Buh-bye Max.


Jenny Penny said...

Where do I sign up? Because I think I will get on the waiting list for your fantasy preschool based on this one promise alone.

I seriously thought for a second as I was reading your blog that your son might go to the same preschool as mine. But no, she has Book Bear. I could wretch just thinking of all the places that guy has been, all the carousing he's done. How many beds has Book Bear slept in? How many nose-picking hands have handled him. It's foul.

(Found you on the Mom Blog Network, by the way!)

Unknown said...
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Dumb Mom said...

So, not only did your son get the opportunity to learn about caring for someone, but he also got to learn about the grooming patterns of primates (you plucking bugs from its matted furry rump). Awesome! See, those teachers are smarter than you thought:)

Beth HF said...

Just wait for FLAT STANLEY! Yikes, he is super easy to lose. Flat, paper and recyclable. (Or so I am told)!

Baby Bunching said...

Yes, we have Maggie the Turtle. We had her twice in one year and I was the lame mom who didn't take pix. I wrote up some stupid thing about the turtle and told my son to just draw a picture of her. :-)

Yes, I remember Flat Stanley and at least that meant OTHER people had to take lame pictures too. hahahahah