Monday, October 20, 2008

The dreaded phone call

So I got my first ever phone call home from the teacher. Yikes. I was practically crying as I was talking to my boy's pre-school teacher.

You see, the problem is that he isn't so into circle time. While I know this is a necessary part of life, I can't say I blame him. He has perfectly good reasons why he isn't fond of circle time.

I don't get to talk when I want to.
The teacher doesn't always listen to and/or think my answer is right.
I'm not always the one in charge of circle time.

Circle time isn't all about him, so damn it, he doesn't like it. Sounds simple enough.

Now if only I had as many logical reasons for why I cry at any sort of confrontation, we'd be on to something.

1 comment:

Boom said...


I'm with you, sister.

Let's see. If I didn't make out a timeline in my head, say, starting with my child getting in trouble in preschool, then acting out in grade school, eventually hating school, then hating me, then failing high school, then blaming me for all of it while he sits behind bars?

Maybe THEN I wouldn't cry when faced with a setback with my child.