Thursday, July 03, 2008


I used to be modest. I was covered up, never over-exposed and running to the nearest closet, bathroom, port-a-potty, whatever to change my clothes, brush my hair, or even just readjust. SO much has changed.

I suppose it may be the two times that I have sat nearly half naked with at least 15 people coming in and out of my room for hours upon hours upon hours. Childbirth really does shoot a hole in your modesty. OK...more like a meteor in my modesty.

But I didn't realize that I had lost all modesty until this week. See this week we went to the in-laws to go to the beach and withing 24 hours I was peeing with the door open, changing my bathing suit top at the beach (I got dressed in the dark and it was inside out when I got there), and worst of all I was running around the beach, I mean full sprint/ball chasing/4 year old catching/not good for my jiggling thighs/ running in just a bathing suit.

You certainly never would have caught me doing that 5 years ago. And I am sorry if you caught me doing that this year.


Boom said...

Even better than seeing you run up and down the beach with your thighs jiggling? Seeing you in one of those "modest swimsuits" that your good friend Posmena just sent to you. I, for one, would pay good money to see it.

Linda said...

Oh yeah. Modesty is completely gone since i gave birth and had 10 nurses watching with nothing else to do that night. Wow, I'm more amazed at the Burquini site. At least they've come up with something because quite frankly, when we lived in Qatar is was gross to have women swimming in the nice clean pool with the same abayas they dragged around in the sandy streets all day.