Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Nap No More

Today is a very sad day in the development of my 3 1/2 year old. Today is the day that I acknowledge the loss of his nap.

May we have a moment of silence please?

Actually, that is all I have been asking for. Every day from 1-3:30...I ask for just one moment of silence. My son, the litigator, tells me that he can't sleep because Puppy and Baby Elephant are keeping him up, or because he can't remember how to close his eyes, or because he hears the birds outside. Yes, yes, these are all very valid excuses but seriously, can't you just be quiet?

Turns out he can't be quiet. There is no inside voice component on this child -just 2 volumes...loud and extra loud. I keep thinking maybe going to see the Blue Angels did damage to his ears...but no, I think this is just my loud, boisterous, can hear you down the street, not appropriate for the library child.

I keep saying, "if he doesn't take a nap he is going to be SO cranky"

But you know what???

It turns out that he is just fine without the nap, it is me that is cranky.

1 comment:

Boom said...

Say it ain't so!!!

What about a quiet time? What about room time? What about read a book quietly in your room time?

What does all of this say about MY future??