Wednesday, February 20, 2008

So random

So, I mentioned earlier that I haven't been blogging as much lately. I don't really have a reason, just haven't really thought our life was that interesting (stay tuned for the blog on the boy's girlfriend...I KNOW!) So when I go missing for a little, I realize that some people actually do read my blog (ok...just 2 Laura and my mother). And in her feeble attempt to catch up with me via our blogs...Laura tagged me. I LOVE doing these stupid things with her. We compete to see who can say the stupidest, strangest, and sometimes most perverted things (think of how much time we waste filling out those chain mails asking about random personal details.)

So here are the rules:
1. List 7 random things about yourself that people may not know.
2. Link the person who sent this to you, and leave a comment on their blog so that their readers can visit yours.
3. Post the rules on your blog.
4. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, linking their blog. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. I don't have 7 blogging I'm not doing this one!

So here we go. 7 random things that very select few know about me.

1. In high school I was the front end of the dancing cow in the musical Gypsy. My lines were "moo, moo, moo-moo" No joke.

2. Also in high school, I came in second in a beauty contest on a cruise ship on the Black Sea (back in the days of the USSR) I was named Miss true!

3. I, to this day, try to convince myself that I am shorter than my husband. I'm not, I'm an inch taller, but I really don't like it!

4. I try SO hard to never have to go to the bathroom in a public space. To me, they are the grossest things out there. Granted, not as bad as the hole in the ground in Odessa, but many germs!

This is getting hard. I know there are random things about me, but I can't think of them right now!

5. I cannot leave the house without making my bed. I would rather be late than leave with the beds unmade.

This is starting to look like a documentation of my OCD, but that is ok.

6. If I could go to dinner with any celebrity it would be either Will Smith or Queen Latifah.

you asked for random...I'm giving you random!

7. My favorite word in the whole world is F#*K. (this is not a revelation to anyone who has ever been with me after having a few drinks!) I think it is the most versatile word ever and if challenged I could find a way to use it in every sentence. That will be my next challenge to Laura!

OK, that's it. That was harder than I originally thought.

1 comment:

Boom said...
