Friday, October 05, 2007 for Mommies

The other day I was handed a mommy calling card. This is something that is handed to other potential "mommy friends" in the hopes that they'll call you for playdates and eventually become your BFF. Unfortunately, with this system there is no screening process so you might invest a lot of time getting to know someone just to find don't really like them.

What I need is something that is a little more modern, a little more scrutinizing, and a lot more skeptical. I want for mommies.

I can just see it now, I fill out the form saying that I am a 32 year old active stay at home mother or 2. My older son is tall, energetic, well-mannered, and funny as all get out. My daughter, while only 3 months, shows signs of extreme intelligence by chewing on a giraffe and pooping on a regular schedule. I'll post the most adorable picture of the 2 of them along with one of me that was taken well before I ever had any children. And then I'll wait to see the responses.

Response #1 would be from DELETE IMMEDIATELY
Response #2 would be from DELETE IMMEDIATELY
Response #3 would be from REPLY, REPLY, REPLY

See how much time that would save me? Wouldn't it be great?

1 comment:

purplemommy said...

Funny. I often feel the same way and did go so far as to make a "mommy card." I gave it to a woman in my neighborhod with a son the same age as mine. She never called. Made me feel rejected. It had my blogspot on it so maybe she just thought I was a weirdo. Oh, well. Let me know if you start up a "Mommy match" of your own.