Saturday, November 08, 2008

His Response

So my father responded to my blog via my e-mail. This is the father who, when I got my first article published in a newsletter after college sent it back to me with all my grammatical errors circled in red AFTER it was in the mail to the subscribers. I think it went something like, "You need to watch your split infinitives. Love, Daddy."

But his response this time was a much bigger correction. It read:

I'm not as good as you claim...and however close I come to your Mommystar image is a credit to your mother...else I'd still be smoking Lucky's and telling racial jokes! Thanks. Love...DADDY

And as I retype the note, I realize that not only is he correcting my ability to tell a story for dramatic effect, but there is also a grammatical correction embedded in his note. Yes...I like the ellipsis (...) Daddy...and I'm going to keep it that way...Love, me!


Boom said... you intend to title it "His Response"....?

(I love and abuse the ellipsis too...i presume you meant ellipsis and not ellipse...)

....can't wait to see if your dad replies to this one...

Anonymous said...

two in favor of the ellipsis and using it creatively :)
what a sweet dad you have.