Thursday, July 10, 2008

Who's looking at my Facebook?

OK..I may be 33, with 2 kids, a bathing suit from Lands End, and a volvo wagon...but does that stop me from social networking? I think not.

I joined Facebook. Really I joined it because my hip, NYC based, cutting edge, MBA student, best friend told me that I should. And let's be honest...when she told me I should wax, I why wouldn't I listen to her this time?

I enjoy facebook. I like reading the little blurbs of what people are up to. Some of these people I haven't laid eyes on in nearly 20 years, but I still like knowing what they doing. I am a voyeur...not doubt about that, so facebook is perfect in that sense. I check out people's photos, read their updates and then move on to

But facebook also kind of wierds me out. On one side of the page, it continually suggests more friends for you. Yes, yes, facebook, I know these people. Enough already. As many times as you float his/her picture out there I am not going to be friends with them (exposing your profile page to them and vice versa). Honestly, we weren't friends when you programmed with Lotus in computer class, so why would be friends now? And after thinking about all the people who are seeing my picture on a daily basis saying the same thing, I updated my profile picture to uber-hot, sexy, skinny photo rather than ski hat and baby bjorn picture.

Old profile picture:

New profile picture

But do you want to know what really gets me? The targeted ads from facebook sponsors. Most recently it keeps flashing, "28-35 and overweight?" Uh....f-you facebook, I'm working on it ok? Two kids, busy life...not as fit as I would like to be...but I'm wokring on it already! And after multiple days of calling me fat today it said, "married and need more sex life?" Damnit facebook...leave me alone. You are maing me cranky and by the way...have you not seen my new profile picture? I'm not fat...and by the looks of it, I'm not hard up either. Keep your opinions to yourself as I voyeur on all my friends.


Anonymous said...

okay, i have NO idea who you are, but i think you are my blogger clone. surfing the internet while my 1 year old daughter takes a rare nap, somehow i ended up on your blog and our last few blog posts run almost identical. ha!

ps: i'm on the whopping fourth page of my "book" ;)

pps: now i'm wondering if my fbook picture should be hotter...i am not sure i have any recent hot pictures since being pregnant...can i post one from when i was 27?

Leslie F. said...

I totally just "friended" you on Facebook after reading this. We were talking about this exact same thing at dinner last night!! I am so tired of those 35 year old overweight ads.Yes, I get it, I'm working on it! LOL!! I enjoy your blog, the pics of the two kiddos are dear.
Leslie (from cooking club)